The 2016 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) will take place in Term 3.
The NCCD on students with a disability provides Australian schools, parents/ carers and authorities with community information about the number of students with a disability in schools, where they are located and the adjustments they receive. The NCCD reinforces the existing obligations that schools have towards students under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. It counts the number of students who are provided with cognitive, physical, sensory or social/emotional learning adjustments.
These adjustments are based on the professional judgement of teachers and their understanding and knowledge of their students. The NSW Department of Education will provide data to the Australian Government from all NSW public schools in such a way that no individual student or school will be able to be identifi ed. In this way, we will ensure the privacy and confi dentiality of all students.
Newsletter, Aug 2, 2016 Dave Stitt, Narara Public School