
2 Comments on "Spelling-Bee-Dasha-Soto"

  1. Hi all, it’s me Dasha. No joke, I searched up my name for fun and found myself from the local newspaper. Unflattering photo. The end. Bye.

    How many people have actually seen this article???

    Lol. I’m actually gonna leave now.

    I ended up coming third in the state so… yeah. I’m ✨smart✨

    The news reporter called me a clever cookie if anyone actually values that information.

    Don’t you have something else to be doing?? Like literally ANYTHING except wasting your life on this pointless comment??

    These are ENTIRE MINUTES of your life you are wasting reading this.

    I’ll actually leave now. Bye-bye.

    • Dasha, thanks for the comment, we understand this might seem odd, this is not a social media comment, its a news report of factul things that happened in the community.
      For your reference we are a community media organisation and our job is to infrom the community of which you’re part of all manner of things, including your success, that has been read 1000s of times.
      We are not random individuals who write these things on social media, it’s our job. This is the role of a free media in a free country, to inform the public.

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