GP clinics in the Bouddi and Empire Bay areas can now recruit overseas trained doctors and bonded medical practitioners after the region successfully campaigned to have its Distribution Priority Area (DPA) status reviewed.
Suburbs also included in the catchment are Kincumber, Bensville, Killcare, Empire Bay, St Huberts Island and Copacabana.
In a March 23 media release, Federal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks, said the successful application from Saratoga Medical means local medical practices in the catchment have more opportunity to address local GP doctor shortages.
“This change gives local GP practices a larger pool of doctors to recruit from, which should make it easier for clinics to secure more doctors in the Kincumber to Box Head region,” Wicks said.
“The DPA classification identifies regions where people find it harder to see a doctor, based on the needs of the community.
“Although the classification is updated each year, several medical practices in this area indicated they had experienced much higher demand during the pandemic period and had found it especially difficult to recruit doctors to the area.”
The DPA classification does not guarantee a doctor to an area, but it allows medical practices in DPA catchments to recruit doctors subject to location restrictions, such as those who trained overseas.
Maisy Rae
If people were better educated to take care of there health with correct diet doctors would serve the purpose they were meant to and minimise pharmaceuticals