An initiative by an East Gosford ward councillor to invite community groups in her ward to a video meeting with her has been welcomed by the Killcare-Wagstaffe Community Association.
“This was an excellent initiative,” said association president Mr Mike Allsop.
Deputy mayor Cr Jane Smith called the meeting “to share updates on their interests and concerns and for Cr Smith to take back to Council”, he said.
“The meeting revealed a surprisingly consistent set of views regarding priorities in improvement to roads, water, drainage, along with bigger picture alignment of feedback for the overall Strategic Planning Statement, the Local Environment Plan, Development Control Plan and associated Character Statements for localities.”
Mr Allsop said: “All groups were unanimous in rejecting an earlier proposal for one-size-fits-all controls for the entire local government area from Budgewoi, through Wyong and Tuggerah and all the way down to our end of the world.”
He said the two other East Gosford ward councillors, Cr Jeff Sundstrom and Cr Rebecca Gale, were invited to the meeting but did not attend.
“We encourage all our ward councillors to offer a strong level of engagement to this ward and to our area in particular.”
Newsletter, 13 May 2020
Mike Allsop, WTKCA