The building of five townhouses at 19 – 21 Palm St Ettalong Beach has been approved under delegation by Central Coast Council.
Applicant Clarke Dowdle and Associates sought consent for the demolition of the existing dwellings to erect the town houses with front courtyard fencing and car access via the road reserve and rear lane. At a cost of $1.5m, the two storey structures would be include concrete slab footing with brick and weatherboard cladding, powder coated aluminum windows and colorbond roofing.
The application successfully argued that the floor space ratio of 5:1 which did not comply with the Gosford Local Environment Plan’s requirement was justified in that it would not hinder the proper management and development of the Ettalong Beach retail catchment and the adjoining residential catchment.
“The proposal will in fact improve the social and economic welfare of the local community and create a better environment by substantially improving the livability and amenity of the locality by activating the West St and Morris St frontages and the provision of good quality accommodation space that encourages people to live within the town centre precinct as well as in the surrounding urban catchment, ’’ the application stated, despite West St being six blocks away from Palm St.
Clark Dowdle and Associated town planner Mr Ravi Sharma said it was a typo and should have read Palm St. The statement argued the proposed townhouses would be consistent with the desired development density, scale and style of recently approved residential development with a medium density zone east of Ocean Beach Rd and within the Ettalong Beach area.
SOURCE DA Tracker, 21 Oct 2019 DA 56169, Central Coast Council