A report has been received by Central Coast Council on current and future grant funding submissions as unprecedented opportunities become available in the lead up to State and Federal elections.
As at October Council had submitted 70 grant funding applications and been awarded more than $63 million in funding across 40 projects. Mayor Jane Smith said Council had produced a high volume of complex grant funding expressions of interest, business cases and applications. “Council is doing everything it can to secure grant funding for projects that will make a difference to the Central Coast community,” Mayor Smith said. “
During this exciting time of grant funding opportunity, Council staff are to be commended for their work in developing complex grant funding applications.” Major NSW Government funding opportunities include: Housing Acceleration Fund ($1.6 billion across NSW); Regional Growth Fund ($1.6 billion across regional NSW); and Arts and Cultural Development Programs. Building Better Regions Fund Round 3 was seen as a major Federal funding opportunity. A number of further grant funding opportunities are expected to be made available to Council in the coming months.
Source: Media release, Oct 30 Central Coast Council media