Liam Brian of Charmhaven was just 18, when he saved the lives of two men caught in a rip off Catherine Hill Bay Beach.
While it was some time ago – in December 2018 – his act of bravery is one he will never forget and this week it will be acknowledged when Governor-General Sam Mostyn officially commends him and seven others for brave conduct.
It was about 6pm when Liam and a few mates were thinking of heading home after a day at the beach, when one of his mates jumped off the pier and struggled to get back to shore.
“The waves had started getting a bit crazy and when my mate jumped in, he really struggled to come in,” Brian said.
“I went to meet my mate who was struggling and I saw these two men – one was about 30 and the other about 60 – jump off the pier and I saw they were caught in a rip.
“I quickly ran in and went to the older guy and he told me to get his nephew first.
“I got him but he was pushing my head under the water, really panicking.
“He started to calm down when he saw we were getting closer to the shore.
“By the time I got back to the other older guy he was unconscious, and under the water.”
Brian managed to get him to shore.
“I just collapsed and my mates managed to turn him on his side and he coughed up water,” he said.
Brian understands the older man spent months in hospital with collapsed lungs.
Brian, who had no surf lifesaving training, described himself as a competent swimmer but admitted adrenalin helped him on the day.
The man did send a message thanking Brian and about a year later Brian saw the man and his nephew at another beach.
“They recognised me and came and thanked me,” he said..
“They were swimming between the flags.”
It was some time before Brian could talk about the traumatic event.
“There were a lot of restless nights, especially for the first year; it had really freaked me out,” he said.
He has never been back to Catherine Hill Bay beach.
“Once I got to the carpark, but that’s as far as I got.”
The Independent Australian Bravery Decorations Council makes recommendations to the Governor-General regarding who should be recognised and at what level of award.
“To each recipient – thank you,” Moystn said.
“In extraordinary circumstances, that most of us are never forced to confront, you acted on an impulse to help someone in need.
“In that moment you were brave and because of your selfless actions you deserve the recognition of your fellow Australians.
“Recipients are united by their selfless, compassionate courage and care and that impulse to help someone else, in spite of all danger to themselves.”
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