New trees on the way for Scaysbrook Dr

Removed trees will be replaced with placings adjacent the footpath

Central Coast Councillor Jared Wright has reassured concerned residents that trees being removed from Scaysbrook Dr, Kincumber, will be replaced.

The trees are being removed as Council replaces some segments of the existing footpath as part of its 2024/25 capital works program.

Wright said the works were necessary as tree roots were lifting parts of the concrete path and in some cases the adjacent kerb and gutter in a number of places.

“This has resulted in a significant number of trip hazards and an uneven and unsafe surface for pedestrians,” he said.

Wright said 24 trees would be removed to facilitate the works, 15 of which are dead.

They will be replaced with 40-50 native trees.

“Having grown up on the street next to Scaysbrook Dr, I know how well utilised the area is for dog walking and activities, particularly around Patrick Croke Oval,” he said.

“While it is unfortunate to see these trees coming down, more are being planted.

“It should also be noted that the original proposal was to remove 80 trees and this was not supported within Council.”

Wright said every effort had been made to minimise the amount of tree removal required.

A Central Coast spokesperson said the progressive renewal of the footpath in Scaysbrook Dr would improve accessibility and safety for users, including many elderly residents of nearby villages.

“Initially it was identified that 80 trees would require removal; however upon further review alternative design options were identified to support retaining many of the trees,” the spokesperson said.

“Specialist contractors were engaged to assess the trees, which resulted in the final number of 24 trees to be removed, 15 of which were dead or dying.

“The majority of tree works have been undertaken.

“Council supports the replacement of trees at a ratio of 2:1 when undertaking infrastructure projects of this nature, with approximately 40-50 native trees to be replanted in the area, including adjacent the new footpath where they will not adversely impact future use of the footpath.

“Planting of the new trees is expected to be completed by the end of the financial year.”

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