Future Sooner will launch its Citizens’ Inquiry final report into the health impacts of coal-fired power stations on the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie at State Parliament House on Wednesday, March 25.
Spokesperson Gary Blaschke said the transition to a clean energy future was now not only essential for the planet, but a public health emergency.
“If cyclone Alfred was so devastating as to cause the postponement of a Federal election, wait until you read Future Sooner’s Final Report, the Untold Stories,” he said.
“The report is groundbreaking in its findings.
“The recommendations demand that every politician, the EPA, NSW Health, the Federal Government and Lake Macquarie and Central Coast councils stand up and take action now.
“We’re calling for Central Coast and Lake Macquarie locals to get down to NSW Parliament House and join us in bearing witness to the brave locals who told their stories to the Inquiry.
“The people who gave evidence and those who wrote submissions put a human face to the suffering and confirmed the scientific evidence that our governments, our health authorities and the coal industry have known about for decades.
“Coal-fired power stations make our communities sick; it is as simple as that.
“Now it’s time for everyone on the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie to flex their muscles and make our government protect our health, not the coal-fired power industry.”
Associate Professor Dr Ian Charlton, who chaired the Citizens’ Inquiry, said when coal was burnt it gave off heat and smoke, leaving high concentrations of metals that don’t burn.
“These heavy metals, waste products such as mercury, cadmium and arsenic, are then concentrated in unlined ash dams which have been parked next to our homes, schools and lakes,” he said.
The group will gather at Parliament House at 3pm on March 25.
RSVP essential by emailing: futuresoonernsw@gmail.com or call Gary Blaschke on 0424 890 455.
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