Where will the nuclear waste go?

Readers' forum letters

Like any other zealot, your correspondent (CCN 476) has ignored the problems with nuclear energy – the high cost, the time to commission the plants, and the elephant in the room known as the disposal of the radioactive waste.

These are issues which the CSIRO – our premier scientific body – has already raised, to the apparent disdain of the nuclear lobbyists; I know who I’d rather trust.

Has Peter Dutton already chosen the suburbs in which this dangerous waste will be buried?

He seems to be awfully quiet on the details as usual (shades of “Don’t you worry about that!”), in contrast to his demands for “more detail” in the Voice referendum.

By the way, Australia’s mains voltage is officially 230V, not 240V, although it may measure higher at some times and locations (AS-60038 is worth a look).

Email, Mar 4
Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

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