Free workshops for parents

Central Coast Local Health District will be hosting a variety of mental health workshops for parents with children aged 2 to 12.
The workshops encourage parents to develop better relationships with children, as well as learn some different strategies in assisting parents.
The aim of the program is to make parenting easier and more enjoyable and offers suggestions, ideas and practices around positive parenting techniques.
A variety of topics will be covered during the workshops, including: positive parenting; possible causes of child behaviour problems; mental health and parenting; developing positive relationships with children; managing misbehaviour; and developing family plans.
The program is free and consists of five weekly group sessions (2.5 hours) and four individual follow up home visits to help implement new strategies.
The sessions will commence on May 9 and will continue to June 6, with the sessions being run on Tuesday’s, between 10:00am-12:30pm.
The sessions will be held at the Wyoming Community Centre, at 147 Maidens Brush Road.

Newsletter, Apr 26
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, Wyoming