New gym program for girls

From left: James Piper and Jennifer Harvey from Impact Gym Erina with Dr Gordon Reid

Impact Gym Erina will receive $377,890 through the Federal Labor Government’s $200 Play Our Way Program to establish a new program for girls.

The 24/7 gym which specialises in healthy lifestyle coaching will introduce Impactful Girls, a dynamic three-year project tailored for girls aged 14-18, aimed at enhancing physical and mental wellbeing through structured strength and conditioning classes.

Recognising the pivotal role of physical health in adolescent development, the program offers a supportive space for girls to cultivate physical strength and mental resilience, ensuring that financial constraints do not prevent participation.

General Manager Jen Harvey said the gym was committed to creating robust support networks by establishing partnerships with local schools and community organisations, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support vital for sustained engagement and long-term impact.

“Impactful Girls is about providing girls aged 14-18 from low socio-economic backgrounds access to the gym to support their physical wellbeing,” she said.

“Our program will be inclusive and incorporate local school students.

“Girls will have access to gym equipment and strength and conditioning activities.

“There will be personal trainers and other support staff available to ensure optimal training opportunities.

“We look forward to the program getting underway over the coming months.”

Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid said females had been under-funded and unappreciated for too long.

“We saw only recently how successful our female Australian Olympians and Paralympians were at the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games,” he said.

“We want to ensure that this success continues and that starts by supporting our girls and women.

“The Federal Labor Government’s Play Our Way Program is designed to remove barriers to women and girls participating in sport and physical activity.

“Our government wants to continue to see girls and women thrive in sport and live healthy lifestyles.

“I welcome the announcement of support for the Impactful Girls program and look forward to it being a huge success.”

Impact Gym Erina is located at 1/19 Chetwynd Rd, Erina.

To find out more, visit

Call 4367 6767 or email

For more information about the Play Our Way Program, visit

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