Cannot justify spending for legal opinion

letters 3Letters to the editor

I read with interest your report on the first meeting of our new Council (CCN October 10).

The proposal to use ratepayers’ funds to seek legal opinions when funds are at a premium cannot be justified.

The councillors provided no evidence how the PIO will unnecessarily restrict their performance of duties nor what it stops them from implementing.

It only lasts for 12 months and will provide them with an opportunity to fully develop their policies and proposals (including associated budgeting) in the years ahead.

It is interesting though, that the Labor government in NSW put the PIO in place and the Labor members of Council oppose it.

Bureaucrats are not making decisions as is claimed, just putting a framework in place for the first 12 months for Council decision making.

Following the financial position the last Council left us in and the pain experienced to get us back on track, some training wheels are necessary to protect ratepayers.

As for the other article claiming a reduction in council numbers will limit ratepayers’ ability to work with Council, well all I can say is that the ratepayers have spoken and endorsed the reduction in councillors to nine.

Ratepayers are a perceptive lot and some may have formed the view that there were too many snouts in the trough.

Get on with the job councillors and prove to the ratepayers that you can do a better job than the administrator.

Email Oct 15

Peter Burfitt, Ourimbah

1 Comment on "Cannot justify spending for legal opinion"

  1. Well said Peter!
    If only ratepayer voters and elected councillors had your sense!

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