Local democracy at work

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In Forum, October 3, Issue 458, it was noted that after the recent council elections there are some familiar names on council, that is, a number of those involved in past council failures are with us again.

Rationality would ask why they have been re-elected?

Democracy, an invention by the ancient Greeks, means that the majority get who and what they vote for.

This means that, going forward, if services diminish and council rates increase (or debt increases) the majority should not complain.

They had the opportunity to put fresh blood into council but chose not to.

Local government is more nuts and bolts issues – climate, immigration, energy etc are not within its sphere of responsibility, so one wonders why the two major parties got the majority of votes?

The State Government, thankfully, is holding the reins, so that our councillors will be monitored.

Email Oct 4

Charles Hemmings, Woy Woy

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