Kincumber residents concern over tree removal

A portion of Patrick Croke Oval at Kincumber where Council is proposing tree removal

A group of Kincumber residents concerned about the possible removal of trees in their neighbourhood plan will meet with Central Coast Council staff to discuss the issue this week.

Residents say some trees, which back on to Field 2 at Patrick Croke Oval, are about 40 years old and provide a privacy screen for the homes backing onto the oval.

Resident Wayne Rigg said he and his neighbours understood Central Coast Council was proceeding with plans to develop the site for sporting teams and a dog training school although there was an existing large sporting field adjacent the proposed site.

There are also concerns the installation of lighting towers will shine into properties.

“The trees were planted by residents, with Council approval, over 40 years, as a privacy screen as the backyards, verandas and bedrooms, especially on the raised blocks, are completely exposed at the back to the public,” Rigg said.

“Their removal is very disturbing to all the local residents.

“This will remove all privacy at the rear of our properties and cause excessive noise every week from sporting teams, during weeknights and weekends, and around 50 barking dogs every Saturday, immediately behind our fences.

“How can this be legal?

“The vegetation is also a big asset for the area, a rare area for general use that is not sport focussed, and a habitat to many animals.”

He said Council’s aim was to accommodate the needs of sports people and dog owners, although there were multiple other existing sites.

“Teams and dogs will use the area occasionally while very much affecting the quality of life of residents 24/7,” he said.

“Surely the residents should have a greater say.

“Surely a buffer between existing residents and these activities is essential.

“Surely quality of life should be our main priority?”

“One home owner bought a few months ago and was told by Council beforehand that there will be no development of this site – he is very upset.”

Rigg said residents were also concerned about issues with parking.

“There has been no oversight by an elected council,” he said.

“It seems the trees are due for removal in a few weeks before the new Council has a chance to review the plan.”

Council representatives were expected to meet with residents on-site on Thursday, October 3 at 3pm.

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