Meeting to oppose Kariong development packed out

Organisers of the Kariong meeting

More than 100 residents gathered on August 23 to oppose plans for bushland developments at Kariong proposed by Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC).

After receiving the news that DLALC had successfully claimed land next to the Scout Camp and Eco Gardens at Kariong, conservationists and Traditional Custodians from the Guringai and Darginoong people called a town hall meeting to discuss the implications of the land claims.

Traditional Bloodline Custodian Tracey Howie, from the Guringai People, said it was “standing room only” as community members came out in force to show their support for protecting the Kariong bushland.

If this current rezoning at Kariong sacred lands is approved, it could set an incredibly dangerous precedent where no vacant Crown land is safe,” she said.

“As a part of the local Aboriginal community, I’m very much in support of Indigenous organisations being included as entities within the economic landscape when it comes to development and construction.

“There’s plenty of areas where sustainable development and new infrastructure is wanted and greatly needed.

“But not in areas that will erase our ancestors’ history by destroying engraving sites and devastating the native plants and animals that it is our duty as Custodians to care for and protect.”

Traditional Bloodline Custodian from the Darginoong People, Renee Sales said the original reason for establishing Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council was to support Traditional Custodians in caring for Country.

“My family was actually instrumental in helping to set up DLALC to ensure that happens,” she said.

More than 100 people attended

“While that’s clearly not happening, to draw a positive out of the situation, it’s brought the community together, including the Guringai and Darginoong who’ve been meeting in Kariong sacred lands for thousands of years.

“Our family were hopeful that the establishment of DLALC would provide an avenue for local Traditional Custodians to regain some of our traditional lands, and have it returned to our people after we were so cruelly dispossessed during the frontier wars of early settlement days.

“It is critically important to the very survival of our culture that we are allowed to continue our cultural responsibility and practices on the land and preserve our sacred places.

“This connection is key in improving the mental health and wellbeing of our people.”

Spokesperson for Save Kariong Sacred Lands and Independent candidate for West Gosford ward in the upcoming Council election, Lisa Bellamy, said there was a great range of diversity in those attending the meeting.

“We need a much better system in place to ensure that our most ecologically and culturally sensitive areas are protected, while private developers, such as DLALC still have access to developable land to help meet affordable housing targets and to reach their economic goals,” she said.

“Surely local government can team up with the state and federal government and find a resolution where DLALC won’t feel the need to attempt to develop extremely sensitive bushland areas.

“Since our community organised this gathering DLALC have come out with a public statement saying ‘DLALC currently has no plans to develop land adjoined to Kariong Scout Camp and Kariong Eco Village for housing’.

“While we are somewhat relieved DLALC have expressed that they ‘currently’ have no plans to develop these areas that are full of cultural heritage and endangered flora and fauna, we will certainly be keeping an eye on their future plans.

“To date, no developer has ever been permitted to develop on C2 (conservation zoned) land due to its ecological and cultural sensitivity.

“All we are asking is that the government abides by the very environmental protection laws that they themselves implemented.”

(It will be) a decision from the State Government as to whether or not the rezoning of C2 land at Kariong is approved or rejected.

Opponents are urging the community to write to State Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch to show their opposition to development next to the Scout Camp and Eco Gardens at Kariong.

1 Comment on "Meeting to oppose Kariong development packed out"

  1. My understanding is that the creation and purpose of local Aboriginal land councils (LALC’s) is to redress the loss of land and ongoing displacement caused by colonisation. I don’t know the specific forming of Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC) and the people behind it. The idea that LALC’s have as their main creation point and purpose to “support Traditional Custodians in caring for Country” is wrong particularly when controversy exists over the authenticity of the traditional custodians. Issues between Guringai & DLALC notwithstanding, there are large communities of mob on the central coast from a variety of places. That’s the community.
    There’s a lot of hyperbole.

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