Wilbur goes back to the wild

Keeper Seleena De Gelder says goodbye to Wilbur Photo: Australian Reptile Park

It was a bittersweet day for everyone at the Australian Reptile Park recently as Wilbur the wombat left the Park to begin his journey to return to the wild.

The tiny wombat arrived at the Park in September 2023, weighing just 3kg, after his mother was hit by a car and he was found on the side of the road.

Wilbur received round-the-clock care from Keeper Seleena De Gelder, requiring 3am bottle feeds and copious amounts of cuddles.

He soon gained his confidence and was quickly known as the cheeky little wombat that won the hearts of the nation, with videos of Wilbur reaching more than 10 million views on social media.

Wilbur has officially left the Park and is now living in the wild at Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue.

He is currently residing in a large enclosure where he will eventually be reintroduced into the wild in a safe, semi-wild habitat.

He will be able to live out his life surrounded by all his wombat friends, including wombats that have previously been rehabilitated and raised at the Australian Reptile Park.

Head Mammal Keeper Seleena De Gelder said Wilbur was missed already.

“It was really hard saying goodbye to him but I know that he’s in good hands at Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue,” she said.

“They’ll be there every step of the way to guide him back to living life as a wild wombat.”

Wilbur was a huge ambassador for Australian wildlife.

“Australian wildlife needs this kind of exposure to help people fall in love with wildlife so they can join us by helping protect it,” De Gelder said.