UDIA outlines election wishlist

UDIA NSW CEO Stuart Ayres addresses the recent Central Coast Developers Forum

UDIA NSW is calling on candidates for the September 14 Council election to commit to delivering on affordable housing and jobs for the growing region.

UDIA (Urban Development Institute of Australia) released its Central Coast 2024 Local Election Platform this week.

“As a key stakeholder in the growth and prosperity of the Central Coast, UDIA NSW and the local development industry highly value a functional and committed elected council to foster thriving communities across our region,” Central Coast Chapter Chair Allison Basford said.

“Our vision is rooted in promoting housing options that are affordable and sustainable, enhancing infrastructure and supporting economic opportunities to provide more jobs locally for our growing region.”

Basford said UDIA was committed to working collaboratively with the elected council to achieve these priorities on behalf of residents.

“By focusing on housing, planning, governance and infrastructure, we can create a thriving, sustainable, and prosperous Central Coast,” Basford said.

The UDIA Central Coast Local Election Platform outlines four key pillars; housing, planning, councillors/governance and infrastructure.

“We are very optimistic about the future of the Central Coast,” UDIA NSW CEO Stuart Ayres said.

“The election of a new council, post a period of administration, is an opportunity to build critical momentum.

“Our Election Platform is a blueprint for success.

“It’s up to the Central Coast to take control of its own future under strong, focused and determined local leadership.

“UDIA stands ready to support a council willing to step up and meet this challenge.

“Home buyers and renters on the Central Coast are feeling the pinch of the housing crisis and will be watching closely how the new council tracks against its target of 9,400 homes by 2029.”

UDIA is calling on candidates to commit to working with industry on the priorities.