Avoca Beach school fair

The artwork for the flyer was designed by Year 6 student Carter Rodgers

Avoca Beach Public School P&C’s biennial school fair will take place on Sunday, September 8.

The school’s major fundraiser will showcase the best Australia has to offer with an Australiana theme.

Artwork for the fair is this year inspired by the creative drawings of Year 6 student Carter Rodgers, 12.

The day will be full of fun games, crazy rides, activities, delicious food and more.

Gates will be open from 10am–3pm, with this year expected to be the busiest fair yet.

All funds raised on the day go directly back into the school to help build on its learning environment.

The school is on The Round Dr, Avoca Beach.

For more details email avocabeachpublicschoolfair@gmail.com