Importance of candidate forums for upcoming council elections

Position vacant - Council Chambers. Archive 2016


The upcoming September Council Elections on the Central Coast mark a significant moment for our community.

After many years under administration forced by the State Government, this election presents a critical opportunity for residents to shape the future of our region.

As we prepare to elect new councillors, it is essential to ensure that voters are well-informed about the candidates and their policies.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through candidate forums.

These forums provide a platform for candidates to present their views, profile themselves, answer questions and engage directly with the electorate.

They offer voters a unique opportunity to compare candidates side-by-side, assess their capabilities and understand their vision for the Central Coast.

Coast Community News strongly advocates for the organisation of these candidate forums.

We believe that informed voting is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy.

Forums not only enhance transparency but also foster a sense of community involvement and engagement.

They allow candidates to address local issues head-on and clarify their positions on matters that affect the daily lives of Central Coast residents.

We urge local community groups, associations and organisations to take the initiative in hosting forums.

Coast Community News is committed to supporting these efforts through our news services.

We will provide coverage, promote upcoming events and ensure that the community is aware of these crucial opportunities to engage with their future representatives.

This election is the first in many years where the people of the Central Coast have a direct say in their local governance.

Let’s seize this moment to make informed choices and elect a Council that truly represents our community’s needs and aspirations.

By participating in and supporting candidate forums, we can ensure a more transparent, accountable and effective local government.

Let us work together to create a vibrant democratic process this September.

Coast Community News is here to support and inform our community every step of the way.

David Abrahams – Managing Editor

1 Comment on "Importance of candidate forums for upcoming council elections"

  1. Robert Pickett | June 18, 2024 at 12:07 pm |

    Managing Editors Editorial
    I certainly agree that the upcoming September local elections are very significant and will play a big part in shaping the future of the Central Coast.
    After listening to Rik Hart at a Avoca Beach Community Association meeting on 3/6/24 and then reading Paul Link’s email to Coast Community News you would have to be confused. As if the Referendum question is not difficult enough, as it raises many questions as to what is best for the area. Knowing who to vote for is a much more difficult decision.
    You are asked to elect 3 candidates for your ward who will promote themselves to do their best for the entire Central Coast Region. How can they do this when 2 of the 3 will be Labor and Liberal who are bound to their respective political parties to follow party policy, expanding this over 5 wards you will have 10 Councillors Labor or Liberal.
    The Greens and CEN will not be left out with some candidates pretending to be Independent and doing a deal with Labour on preferences and will probably get a few elected as happened in the last election.
    Unfortunately the large majority of voters simply look at the massive voting paper and tick the box above the line that are grouped with all the political candidates. This is the quickest and easiest way to vote.
    There is very little chance of any true independent candidate getting elected as was evident in the last election where a true independent in the Gosford East Ward with no grouping, no deals and no preferences received more votes than any of the 94 other candidates from all wards but never looked like getting elected.
    Maybe a total change to the current voting system would be a better Referendum Question than the reduction of wards and councillors.

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