Try something different for men’s health

Craig Ball

Men’s mental health and empowerment mentor Craig Ball is encouraging men to try something different this Men’s Health Week, June 10-16.

“Men’s health week has gotten pretty big over recent years and is a great time to try something different – adopt a new behavior that could benefit your health, something you can practice daily,” he said.

“Each year there are themes and sponsors and these all serve a purpose, put together by marketing teams and experts.

“They provide guidance and inspiration to try something new, to revisit something we may have forgotten or open ourselves up to that which will ultimately benefit our health.

“But why not try forgiving yourself?

“Why not try changing your internal dialogue to something more optimistic or reality based?

“Why not, as Jordan Petersen advises us, treat your self like someone you are responsible for helping?”

Ball said men’s health was often overlooked because of the way men just pushed through and ignored the warning signs.

“This has to stop,” he said.

“The road to better health is a journey, life is a marathon not a sprint and requires us to develop, in our own way an adherence to a concept called long-range hedonism.

“That is delayed gratification in the pursuit of a higher goal.

“Given society’s overwhelming desire for quick fixes and short-term gratification, this might seem tough, but what it actually teaches you to do is to notice the small wins.

“Each time you workout, you feel better – that’s a win.

“Each time you have a conversation with a mate, that’s a win.

“The feeling of release you feel when you truly learn to let go of things you’ve been holding on to for years and really forgive yourself, that can be life changing.

“What you can do today is take small steps by deciding on something you’ve been meaning to do but have put off.

“Now that would make a difference.”

Ball is the author of Reclaim Your Power – a 150-page guide he describes as a proven process for improving mental health and dramatically increasing happiness.

He also runs Central Coast Men’s Walk and Talk which meets at 7pm on Thursdays at the Saturday St end of Tuggerawong shared pathway.

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