Stem the tide of migration

Readers' forum letters

In response to Kay Donaldson (CCN May 9) may I attempt to explain why the debate regarding over-population is barely a murmur?

The ruling political parties of this country are swayed by the wealthy and big business companies who demand more workers to increase turnover and, of course, profits and the government, in turn, collects more taxes which makes them look good.

So we import more so-called skilled migrants (528,000 last year alone) to appease these manipulators.

They call it progress.

Heaven help the political party that bucks this trend; these big companies will advise their workers to vote for the other party or the future of their jobs will be in jeopardy.

We constantly hear of crime gangs being arrested.

We now have youth crimes and stabbings becoming out of control, behaviour more common in other countries.

There’s a huge lack of infrastructure – lack of roads, housing, hospitals, doctors, police etc and now people are escaping the rat-race of the cities to previously quiet country retreats.

With this expansion delicate areas of fauna and wildlife are under threat.

Crocodiles are regularly shot as we invade their habitats and kangaroos too as they eat farmers’ expanding crops.

Species of plants, animals and fish are being wiped out almost daily, all in the name of progress.

What life are we leaving for our grandchildren and their offspring?

Email, Jun 3
Campbell Black, North Entrance