We need candidate forums before council elections

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

With the front page and editorial of issue 441 devoted to the upcoming return of democratic local government on the Central Coast, I thank Paul Link for his Forum submission that highlighted the risks in the referendum question.

I suppose the residents should be happy that the powers that be are treating them as adults, by trusting us with a vote in September.

In light of Paul’s concerns is it possible to have public forums conducted in the proposed (pre referenda) wards where the candidates attend to answer questions from concerned voters as to just what their intentions are if they are voted in to represent us?

I would also be interested in hearing their opinions on amalgamating wards, and the service implications.

Democracy is more than attending a polling booth and numbering a box, it is also holding elected representatives to account.

Therefore, I would also suggest that if a nominee does not attend to face public scrutiny they lose their place on the ballot as they are disingenuous, and not comfortable with public scrutiny.

Email, Jun 7
Michael Chamley, The Entrance

2 Comments on "We need candidate forums before council elections"

  1. Editor CCN | June 10, 2024 at 5:19 pm |

    rest assured Coast Community News is encouraging all candidates to attend their relevant candidate forums. We will also assist with promotion of any such event held by community groups.

  2. Kevin Armstrong | June 14, 2024 at 12:27 pm |

    Council has privately organised several information sessions so potential candidates understand Council’s organisational structure, financial position and the role of Councillor.

    Democracy means that candidates are free to promote whatever policies they espouse in the lead up to the elections.

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