Government dismantling ethical freedoms

I understand that most people, when it comes to our government, are mostly concerned, or know about, the services they provide for our safety, comfort and living condition – community infrastructure, wages, staffing levels, pre-schools, and a toll cap.

And, yes, these are all good.

But, what about the moral/social issues our government is attacking with recent legislations?

Since being in parliament, federal and state, this government has, or is trying to, abolish truth, freedom, faith and family.

It seems their moral compass is very broken.

We have Abortion to Birth, highly permissive Assisted Suicide, and even more alarming is the recently passed Conversion Practices Ban Bill, that has been rushed through parliament with no consultation from any relevant parties.

This Bill impedes and restricts anyone’s (even parents’) rights to care (for) and counsel someone who may be gender dysphoric.

Even with many countries banning puberty blockers, a large gender clinic being shut down, and the recent leaked files from WPATH and current Cass Review from the UK revealing the lack of research and thereby reliable evidence that a medical pathway is the best and only way, our Government forges ahead with this ‘forced gender-affirming’ approach.

As I write, faith-based institutions, in particular Christian schools, are under attack with the ALRC proposing to remove Section 38 from the Sex Discrimination Act, which would prevent schools from preferring staff who believe and hold to their ethos.

And then there is the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill that they are trying to push through, that could see the Government set itself up as the “arbiter of truth” via the ACMA.

Though these laws/legislations may not affect everyone on a personal level, they are attacking the fundamentals that work cohesively to ensure a vibrant, safe, free living environment for all to thrive and enjoy what once was the ‘Great South Land of the Holy Spirit’.

We need to be more aware of the ethical issues and freedoms this government is dismantling.

Take care and be aware.

Email, May 24
Linda Telisman, Umina Beach

2 Comments on "Government dismantling ethical freedoms"

  1. Michael Wernon | June 4, 2024 at 5:15 pm |

    Actually I think what we are seeing is not the dismantling of freedoms but the dismantling of Christian privilege. For nearly two thousand years the Christian Church has been telling individuals how to live and restricting their freedoms. Now we have a government that recognises that individuals have rights not to be restricted by Christian ‘ethics’ and Churches can no longer force their positions down our throats. Bring on this legislation that protects individuals.

  2. You have to be kidding yourself Michael. Any types of religious freedoms have been attacked over the past few decades and not just for Christianity but anyone that doesn’t conform to Atheism, essentially the new modern religion. What a joke our system has become that rushing through legislation like this can oppress people’s freedoms completely.
    True, society has mostly moved away from Christianity and many other religions for that matter. But that doesn’t mean those people shouldn’t have the same rights ad everyone else to meet with like minded people and be taught about like minded people as long as the general curriculum is also being adheard to.
    If you say you want equality, what is more equal than each person being able to choose who they want to learn from?

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