LGA boundary change a good idea

letters 3Letters to the editor

Having read your Editorial (CCN433) and the sensible suggestion by Bob Graham to reduce the size of our local government area by redistributing boundaries for Gwandalan and Summerland Point to Lake Macquarie City Council, it would be practical to go a step further and also include the often forgotten suburbs of Chain Valley Bay and Mannering Park in this redistribution.

This was never so obvious as in the lockdown of 2021 when 8 at Trinity sent its pizza delivery map to customers excluding these four suburbs because they were not part of Lake Macquarie City Council.

Being on Lake Macquarie and a long way from Gosford; Gwandalan, Summerland Point, Chain Valley Bay and Mannering Park should be in the Lake Macquarie City Council area.

Email, Apr 13
Karen Fisher, Chain Valley Bay