Let’s see some action on petrol prices

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

I noticed the article “War of words over petrol pricing campaign” in CCN 431.

I am sick of seeing this type of grandstanding.

Most of us are struggling with most things, pensioners rarely have anything left over after bill paying and then you have the petrol as constantly high as it is.

The poor suffering tradies, who have to fill up their tanks.

You do not have to be a pensioner to appreciate, at all levels of society, how uncomfortable it is to be alive these days.

How about politicians stop bickering and posing, and engage with the needs of our community.

I also noticed a letter in Forum headed “Cost of living crisis not Labor’s fault”

Back when Mr Keating was treasurer, I was paying off a housing loan at 10 percent; then it jumped in one go to 17 per cent and a little later to 18 per cent.

Try that on a single income – not easy.

I tire of not blaming governments, who have not a clue what they’re doing.

Talk is cheap, action takes a lot more fully purposed thought.

We’re the best country in the world, that’s why so many want to come here.

Given the chance, with the right policies, we can achieve anything with pride and love of country.

Email, Mar 27
Gaye Clark, North Gosford