Community garden gets a growth spurt

Woy Woy Peninsula Community Garden has secured capital works funding to the value of $14,500 under the NSW Community Building Partnerships Program.

This funding will go towards the completion of capital works including fencing, gates, work benches and storage for the popular community garden at 85-87 Moanna St, Woy Woy.

Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch congratulated the volunteers for their successful application.

“This community garden facility and the gardening and growing projects within it bring immense joy to locals’ lives,” Tesch said.

“Members of our community from all walks of life are so very fortunate to have such a beautiful space in which to learn about the theoretical and practical aspects of growing and using food in a way that’s ecologically sustainable.”

The community garden’s public officer Tania Haydn said the funding would go towards improvements and upgrades which would benefit the community and its team of volunteers.

Time for a chat: Tesch and volunteers at the garden

“Our focus is on enhancing facilities by installing workbenches and storage units inside the existing building and creating a secure storage area outside for our garden composting equipment,” Hayden said.

“The capital work improvements will help sustain our garden resources for the future and deliver positive social, recreational and safety outcomes at the garden for both the community and our team of volunteers.”

Join the community garden’s waiting list and learn about its projects and activities at

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