Time for quality candidates to declare themselves


With the recent state budget highlighting significant funding allocations and priorities, the Central Coast faces a critical juncture.

Now, more than ever, we need strong, respected voices to step forward and declare their candidacy for the Council elections on September 14.

Our region has endured a long period under state-appointed administration, and as we move towards reinstating local governance, the quality of our candidates will determine our community’s future.

The state budget revealed this week has underscored the importance of effective local representation.

The Central Coast must ensure that its interests are robustly advocated for in the corridors of power.

To achieve this, we need candidates who are not only passionate about our community but also possess the skills and integrity to navigate the complexities of local government.

Quality candidates are essential to secure the funding and support our region needs.

Whether it’s addressing infrastructure deficits, improving public services, or fostering economic growth, our council members must be capable of making compelling cases to state and federal governments.

The recent budgetary announcements remind us that our voices must be heard loudly and clearly to ensure the Central Coast receives its fair share.

Coast Community News is calling on respected community leaders, professionals and everyday citizens with a vision for the future to consider running for Council.

We need individuals who can bridge divides, build consensus and lead with transparency and accountability.

The health of our local democracy depends on the calibre of those willing to serve.

As a publication committed to the well-being of our community, we pledge our support to those who step forward.

Coast Community News will provide a platform for candidates to share their visions and engage with the electorate.

We believe that through informed and active participation, we can elect a Council that truly represents the best interests of the Central Coast.

Let’s ensure that the voices advocating for the Central Coast are strong, respected and unwavering in their commitment to our community’s prosperity.

David Abrahams – Managing Editor