New lease on life for pharmacy wall

The completed mural

The exterior wall of Gorokan Amcal Pharmacy has a whole new look, with the completion of a mural to brighten-up the once shabby façade.

In 2023, staff came up with an idea to give new life to the alley adjacent the pharmacy by painting the wall.

“The owner was happy for us to do what we feel would help brighten the community,” a spokesperson said.

“We excitedly put out a call to local high schools that have groups and classes of budding little artists to help with a planning, design and final painting of a community masterpiece.

“Northlakes High School teacher Lisa Attkins answered our call and took up the challenge with her students.

“We also threw out a net to encourage some local artists to come forward and help with a collaboration.

“Speed painting artist and muralist Sarah Rowan jumped at the chance to work with some talented locals and beautify the suburb.”

Rowan enjoys empowering individuals and organisations to ignite a better future through creativity and art.

Amcal Pharmacy staff in front of the bare wall as the project began

And so the team was born, with Attkins and a group of talented young artists with a passion for murals and Indigenous street art from Northlakes High School coming on board to help Rowan and pharmacy staff begin the transformation.

During months of planning and discussions, Rowan assisted the students with their designs, as they put together ideas, patterns and a plan for a mural spotlighting native birds.

Sarah Rowan and students working on the wall

“We wanted something for the community that could represent our past, present and future, so our river of blue waves emerged,” the spokesperson said.

“Australian birds are among the hardiest of animals, and we have a very hardy community surviving floods, fire, heatwaves and pandemics.

“The kookaburra is a symbol of new beginnings, looking towards the future as it flies towards the cockatoo, representing awareness and awakening to the present.

“Our spiritual galah represents freedom and empowerment for the future.

“Our wall is a wonderful collaboration of symbols, colours and totems for our past, present and future – the dark blue waves at the bottom even hold the letters spelling out (those words).”

Member for Dobell Emma McBride puts on some finishing touches encouraged by Sarah Rowan

The project was completed on May 18, with Member for Dobell Emma McBride stopping by to paint a few leaves and acknowledge the students’ hard work.

“We are very honoured and grateful for the time that our team spent on this project,” the spokesperson said.

“Our customers comment on it daily, saying how proud they are and that it has changed the whole look and feel of the alley.”

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