Karsten fights the odds to represent Australia

Chloe Karsten with her horse at the Riding for the Disabled grounds

Chloe Karsten, a determined and inspiring 16-year-old from the Central Coast, has overcome incredible challenges to achieve her dream of representing Australia in equestrian sports.

Born with a heart defect, cerebral palsy, and legal blindness Chloe underwent four open-heart surgeries before her fifth birthday and lost her hearing at age three.

Despite these obstacles, Chloe’s resilience and hard work have led her to an extraordinary milestone: she has been selected to compete in the Virtus Equestrian Championships in the UK this July.

Chloe’s journey with equestrian sports began at age six when she started riding with Riding for the Disabled (RDA).

She quickly fell in love with dressage and set her sights on representing Australia and her passion and talent have driven her to remarkable success.

Chloe is a four-time champion in the RDA NSW State Championships and was recently selected as the youngest member of the Australian team for the Virtus Equestrian Championships.

Chloe Karsten competing in the RDA NSW Championships

The road to the championships has been paved with significant sacrifices by Chloe and her family.

Total cost of flights, accommodation, and other expenses for the trip is estimated to be about $18,000; a considerable sum for any emerging athlete and their family.

Despite the financial challenge, Chloe’s determination to compete on the international stage remains unwavering.

Chloe’s story is testament to the power of perseverance and the potential for individuals with disabilities to achieve their dreams.

As she prepares to take this final step toward her goal, Chloe and her family are reaching out to the community for support.

Locals who help Chloe represent Australia, will undoubtedly inspire others with significant disabilities to pursue their aspirations.

To support Chloe and contribute to her journey to the Virtus Equestrian Championships go to the Australian Sports Foundation fundraising page.

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