The dinosaurs of today

Readers' forum letters

Today’s “dinosaurs” are our patriarchal and hierarchical institutions including financial, political and religious.

Our financial institutions, with their focus on greed and profit for shareholders, are partly responsible for climate change.

Economic wealth before economic health.

Politicians are focused on their careers and winning the next election rather than short and long-term goals which might not be popular but best for all.

Once a budget is presented the opposition is guaranteed to condemn it.

The UN 2022 Climate Change Report presented by 234 scientists who read 14,000-plus research papers is described by Senator Matt Canavan as “fear porn”.

It would be cheaper and best for future generations if we dealt with reducing carbon dioxide emissions now.

We cannot afford to be paying out billions of dollars for drought, flood, tornado, storm and bushfire relief every year.

What will be the final decision on PEP 11?

Will short-term financial gain win over long-term environmental impact on climate change?

Many religions derive from other times and cultures and are more focused on saving souls for the next life.

Many believe in evolution except when it comes to their teachings and beliefs.

Some, with their patriarchal and hierarchal structures limiting the role of women, cannot have a voice on gender equality, bullying, LGBTQIA+ rights, and climate change when they separate heaven and earth.

Many religions are partly responsible for national and international conflicts rather than (being) peace makers.

As some scientists suggest, we are moving from the Cenozoic age of the past 65 million years to the Ecozoic age, which requires us to establish a mutually enhancing human presence upon the earth.

We need to live in harmony with all species.

My neighbours include the people who live close by, but also the trees, birds, whales, mountains.

We are one community.

We need, like our Indigenous sisters and brothers, to respect Mother Earth who provides for all our needs.

As Greta Thunberg said: “The Change is coming whether we like it or not”.

Email, May 16
Paul Corkeron, Kincumber

1 Comment on "The dinosaurs of today"

  1. Ms M Phillips | May 25, 2024 at 6:12 am |

    Yes…100% agree with every comment

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