Thank you to Gosford Hospital

May 20 each year is International Clinical Trials Day, and I would like to say thanks to the staff at Gosford Hospital for their ongoing commitment to improving treatments and outcomes for people diagnosed with breast cancer, through their participation in the Breast Cancer Trials research program.

More than 20,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer across Australia this year alone.

That is 54 women per day.

But while we still have a long way to go before we have a cure for every person, more women are surviving this disease than ever before.

Over the past three decades survival rates for breast cancer have increased by more than 30 per cent and clinical trials research has made a significant contribution to this.

My team and I at Breast Cancer Trials would like to extend our deepest thanks.

We would not have been able to achieve what we have without you, and we look forward to what will be achieved together in the years to come.

Email, May 14
Soozy J Smith, CEO, Breast Cancer Trials

1 Comment on "Thank you to Gosford Hospital"

  1. Chris Castellari | May 20, 2024 at 8:36 am |

    The hospital’s cancer trials are important not only locally, but nationally and internationally. I’m currently taking part in a five year trial for a new treatment for prostate cancer that could lead to faster and better outcomes for early prostate cancer sufferers. I feel honoured to take part and the staff in the cancer department have been so caring and wonderful. I add my thanks to them.

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