School attempts to create infection free environment

Image Narara Public School FB pageImage Narara Public School FB page

In its second newsletter for the year, Narara Public School has advised its school community of a serious health risk to a student.
A student undergoing cancer treatment is at a serious risk from infectious disease such as chicken pox, mumps and measles.
The school has advised parents and carers that if they or their children suspect they may be afflicted with one of these illnesses, that they refrain from attending school.
The school has also advised parents and carers of the importance of keeping their child out of school until they are no longer contagious, should they fall ill.
The school community has also been advised on the importance of contacting the school should a child be found to have any of the aforementioned illnesses as the school will need to assess probability of contact between the at risk student and the afflicted.
Notification can then be given to the appropriate parents, carers and medical specialists.

Feb 1, 2017
Lynda Brogan, Narara Public School