
Big wins for Central Coast in State Budget

The Central Coast has scored big wins in the State Budget in the areas of health, education, transport housing and infrastructure, in what Premier Dominic Perrottet says is a budget…

Roving Rubies raise $1,000 for cancer research

The Roving Rubies combined a 95th birthday celebration for member Betty Lloyd with their annual Big Cuppa fundraiser at Everglades Golf Club recently, raising more than $1,000 for cancer research….

The Weekly News 5@5

The lead stories of the week in audio/video format from the newsroom of Central Coast Newspapers in Gosford. This week: Premier and Ministers in Gosford for significant announcementsAwards for locals…

Big boost for Coast

Premier Dominic Perrotet and senior Ministers of the NSW Government were in Gosford on June 11 to announce a major cash splash for the Central Coast – including an $18M…

Reid vows to investigate HoTS funding

New Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid, has vowed to investigate continued funding for the Coast’s mobile service Health on the Streets (HoTS). The commitment comes after Parliamentary Secretary for the…