
New health hub for Gosford

The first sod has been turned on a $75M health hub directly adjacent Gosford Hospital. To be constructed by the Cornerstone Group, Gosford Health Hub’s anchor tenant is PRP Diagnostic…

Healing and recovery grants

Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network has launched a grant round for Healing and Recovery Grants, totalling $1M. The grants are designed to enhance care co-ordination and…

Hearing loss support group

A hearing loss support group for hearing impaired people is held at Wyoming Community Centre every Monday between 9am and 10am. Participants are also invited to enjoy coffee at the…

Fellowship group celebrates 20 years

The Central Coast Schizophrenia and Bipolar Fellowship Support Group, under the auspices of One Door Mental Health, will celebrate its 20th anniversary on November 7. Group secretary Stephanie Wood said…

Transformative power of art

Coast & Country Primary Care celebrated the official opening night of the 25th Annual Mental Health Art Works Exhibition on Friday, October 11, at Gosford Regional Gallery. This year’s theme,…

Day for Mates in Action at Doyalson

Men from across the Central Coast will come together on Saturday, November 2 for Mates in Action, a groundbreaking day designed to foster connection, build resilience, and support men’s mental…