Let’s rethink library demolition

Readers' forum letters

I would like to comment on the story Activists call for rethink on Library Demolition (CCN 463).

This 1969 library adds to the architectural palette of Gosford.

Too many buildings have already been neglected or demolished.

What are we leaving our generations to come – a community bereft of its past?

Councils and community past and present seem to lack vision; our waterfront is lost; there is no Performing Arts Centre just a conglomerate of uninspired architecture for the sake of profit.

The heritage Brisbane Water County Council clock building showcasing Gosford sandstone is now derelict.

The 1937 Regal Cinema with its art deco features, described as having terrazzo floors and “decorative artwork that transformed concrete walls into colourful poems of a Moorish Castle” is lost.

It is hard to wax lyrical over our high-rise monsters.

Surely our Japanese-inspired Gosford Library is an architectural gem, worthy of preservation not demolition.

A rethink is urgent.

Email, Dec 3
Elaine Odgers Norling, Copacabana