Unfair ballot system

Your recent correspondent raises some concerns about the motives of some of the candidates who have nominated for election to Central Coast Council claiming to be independent as opposed to party affiliates (Be careful how you vote CCN 453).

I recently had a look at a ballot paper as a friend heading overseas had to postal vote.

One of the old guard is lead candidate on the Labor ticket for Gosford West ward.

Under the current voting system she will be guaranteed a place alongside the candidate that the Liberals run, leaving one seat (each ward elects three reps) for the Independents to fight for.

Given that voters only have to vote for two candidates if they choose to vote below the line it is possible that some wards will elect only two candidates.

Given that most people vote above the line and don’t exercise their democratic right to direct their preferences to candidates of their choice this corrupted system would appear to be designed by Liberal and Labor Party operatives.

However, we all know that the Electoral Commission is not influenced by political party operatives but came up with this system all by themselves.

So much for free and fair elections.

Email, Sep 3
Bryan Ellis, Umina Beach

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