Wordsmiths writers group encouraging women to submit stories

Power writing has now hit the Peninsula with the Country Women’s Association’s (CWA) Woy Woy branch encouraging local women to discover the power of words in the lead up to NSW Women’s Week.

The local branch recently partnered with Bravewords Writing as part of the project.

The celebrative week, which runs from March 7-13, will feature a Power Writing Workshop for Woy Woy Wordsmiths members facilitated by local author and writing teacher, Adrienne Ferreira.

The workshop is part of a broader program being rolled out across NSW.

Branch president, Jane Bowtell, said she was a proud member of the Woy Woy Wordsmiths.

She said her writing group has been gathering during the past three years to share their stories and encourage each other’s creative expression.

“We all love writing, and it’s uplifting to spend time with other women in a supportive space to reflect on your experiences, celebrate your achievements and bring your voice to the page,” Bowtell said.

“It’s a powerful thing to see your words in print.

“We will accept all stories, even if it’s one you’ve never felt brave enough to share before: the Wordsmiths will listen.

“So, raise your voice, tap into your power and tell your story — just keep it under 500 words!’’

In an effort to include more voices in their activity, the Wordsmiths have invited all women on the Peninsula who feel they have a story to tell — whether anonymously or not — to submit it alongside their own stories written during Women’s Week, which will be published on the Bravewords website.

Deadline for submissions is Sunday, March 13.

Stories can be submitted to bit.ly/3sEXT83 or via email to woywoycwa@gmail.com

Maisy Rae