Make sure increases are justified

Forum –

The administrator Dick Persson was put in to sort out Central Coast Council’s finances and in doing so he recommended and got a 15 per cent increase in council rates, with no mention at the time made of water and sewer rates.

Then Dick appoints a new administrator at a cost of $550,000 per annum, who then appoints a CEO David Farmer on who knows what income? (Editor’s note: It was reported in Chronicle on July 7 that Farmer’s annual salary and other benefits total $517,625, inclusive of superannuation.)

(Council) releases financial information that is so contradictory you wonder what they really know.

Since being appointed they have requested the rate increase of 15 per cent be extended for up to five years.

The increase was delivered as getting the Council out of financial trouble.

Now these two want to increase water and sewerage rates by 34 per cent.

Please do not listen to the financial reasons for this proposed increase, as from past experience you cannot believe a word they are saying.

The Chronicle reported the council water and sewerage deficit and financial report, which would have the best finance mind confused and wondering how someone could write such a confusing financial report.

There was another article from the Central Coast Council Audit and Risk committee, in which they state “they were comfortable with the Council’s level of debt”.

They then said “they were not alarmed by the deficit budgets” and one stated “it did not fuss him”.

What planet are these people on?

I can only hope that IPART fully investigates independently on Council’s finances, does not let them get any further debt and makes sure increases are justified.

It is a very sad time for ratepayers on the Central Coast and we can only hope someone takes responsibility and fixes the financial problems.

Email, Oct 30
Phil Morrison, Bateau Bay