Choosing to be part of the solution

Forum –

At the beginning of the pandemic people looked out for each other.

As we progressed through the “nightmare” and people spent more time on the internet checking on “miracle” cures and what can only be described as conspiracy theories, most of which originated in the USA, people became suspicious, depressed, and even started to turn on one another.

It seemed a new pandemic was overtaking the original one – mental illness.

I’ve seen communities fractured, friends turning against one another and even families torn apart because of varying viewpoints and fear.

It seems that rational thought has gone out the window.

I have been told that because I’m double vaccinated my DNA has been altered to the point that I will no longer be human, that I now carry a chip so that I can be tracked.

I did point out that we all carry phones so we can all be tracked so a chip seemed like a waste of time and money.

They must have advanced the “chip” industry because the needle is so fine you can’t even feel it so the chip must very tiny indeed!

Now coincidentally, since the injection mandate, we vaccinated people are shedding the spike in the vaccine and causing untold damage to females and sterilising any male or female that come into contact with us further alienating people from one another.

Yes, people really believe this stuff.

To be clear, I do not agree with the mandate and I don’t really care if people to get vaccinated or not.

What I do believe in, however, is that we need each other during these trying times more than ever and getting on the internet and following the invisible Pied Piper down the dark holes of misinformation and hate is not the way we will find our way out of this mess.

Both my husband and I have been vaccinated, along with a lot of people we know and have met over this time.

I always ask if they had any bad reactions and most said they had mild discomfit for perhaps 24 hours, mostly pretty tired for a day, some had no reaction at all and they were all happy they had the “jab”.

And we’re all fine!

We’ve all done it because we care about our loved ones and society in general.

We all want to see everyone back to living their lives to the fullest as soon as possible – to see our economy healthy again and to see people working again without the stress of wondering if they can afford to pay rent/mortgage or even eat.

We want to see kids back at schools interacting with their friends and learning and to be able to travel to see our loved ones in other states.

I recently learned of a lady I know in Sydney whose son is in Victoria and contracted COVID-19.

She was frantic because she couldn’t go to him. This must stop!

As far as I can see the people that are still protesting about lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations are behaving like spoilt children who have had it so good for so long and now that they are denied a few freedoms (which will all be given back in a couple of weeks) they can only think of themselves.

There are countries that are crying out for more supplies of the vaccine and the protesters, selfishly, only want to follow the invisible Pied Piper into the dark holes of the internet and chant the slogan “My Body My Choice”.

Well, I can use that slogan too “My Body My Choice” and I choose to part of the solution not part of problem.

Email, Oct 31
Lynette Bradley, Killarney Vale