Council compliments grow but complaints grow too

Central Coast Council's HQ in Wyong

Central Coast Council received almost the same number of compliments as complaints in the first three months of this year – from January 1 to March 31 – quarter three (Q3) of the 2020-2021 financial year.

Staff performance made up 43 per cent of compliments followed by general feedback 23 per cent and quality of work 21 per cent.

Compliments grew by 14 per cent from the previous quarter.

There were 131 compliments and 133 complaints.

There was no real change in the number of community complaints from the previous quarter but staff complaints grew by 30 per cent in quarter three.

Council said it was unclear what caused the increase but said this would be monitored in Q4 to determine any trends and potential mitigation.

“Our initial review of these complaints shows a likely cause is staff stress with the current financial situation and the impacts on their own resilience,” Council said.

“This has been discussed at a senior level to implement some strategies to support staff and to also encourage staff to complete the Customer Experience training module.

“We will continue to monitor during Q4 to determine any trends and potential mitigation.”

On average 11 sensitive (staff) complaints were received per month for Q3 period.

Most public complaints related to level of service with 35 per cent of all complaints, followed by general feedback.

The number of complaints relating to the value of fees and charges remained low with two in Q3, followed by Council decisions with seven complaints.

“On average in the third quarter of 2020-21 about 47 complaints were received per month,”Council said.

The overview of complaints and compliments received during the third quarter period of financial year 2020-2021, was reported to Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee.

Council has a Customer Feedback Management Policy, adopted in March 2021, which sets out the approach that Council takes to ensure customers have the opportunity to make complaints or provide feedback about issues they may have regarding potentially inappropriate, unethical or unfair behaviours or practices committed by Council officials.

“Feedback from our community provides Council with valuable insights into areas where service standards are meeting customer’s expectations or where service standards have not been met and improvements need to be made,” Council said.

Most community and staff complaints, 78 per cent, are responded to within the service level of 10 working days, Council said.

The majority of both complaints and compliments reach Council through email and phone.

“Phone and email channels are the most expensive to service our customers,” Council said.

“Email continues to be the highest and the most preferred channel for contact.

“Our strategy going forward is to direct our customers through the Online Customer Service Centre (portal) to reduce costs that are occurring through double handling of contact as all compliments and complaints are entered into the CX system.

“Council will undertake a new digital campaign commencing in July 2021 as an ‘always on’ program to encourage customers to use the Online Customer Service Centre.”

ARIC Business Paper, June 24
Website, Central Coast Council