Keep zipped up and wee at home please

The affordable and social housing development at Woy WoyAn affordable and social housing development at Woy Woy


When the Housing Department built our apartments here at 28 Chambers Place, Woy Woy, they couldn’t have known what we have to put up with here.

Our flats are beside two noisy pubs and they overlook an alley where men urinate.

The men don’t care whether it’s day or night and of course they don’t realise that we’re all looking out of our windows down at them.

This area has never had any residents, so the locals still assume that the walls here are public toilets.

This building has been here now for three years and we’re not going anywhere so keep your pants zipped up, go home and use the toilet there please.

Email, Nov 14
P. Roberts, Woy Woy