Has lost money been spent to benefit ratepayers?

Forum –

Will the ratepayers foot the cost of covering Central Coast Council’s loss of $89M?

Has this money been spent to benefit ratepayers?

Will the persons involved in creating this situation be brought to account for their poor judgement, incompetence or illegal actions?

These are all questions without answers.

I am a ratepayer living at Budgewoi since 2009 and my house was built during the 1950s, but the roads and lack of footpaths, along with deep open roadside drains, still belong to that time.

Apart from the constant focus on sporting facilities and improvements to attract tourists, Council has done nothing to improve the rural qualities of the older part of Budgewoi.

An example is that I purchased a mobility scooter but sold it as it could not cope with the camber of the roads.

I tried using buses but as there is no protection from the elements, and one needs to be at the stop 10 minutes early as the bus might arrive early, so I decided to return to driving.

We were called on to face increased rates to bring improvement, but it didn’t happen.

Email, Nov 6
Allan Carpenter, Budgewoi