An acoustic report of actual noise can be manipulated

Forum –

We strongly object to a development application at Palm Grove that seeks retrospective approval for an unauthorised puppy farm. (Coast Chronicle, p8 Oct 7)

Since July 2019, neighbours have suffered unreasonable noise and the proponent has habitually refused Council compliance orders to stop.

The Local Planning Panel received a huge 45 submissions from the community objecting to the development application and Council planning assessment staff recommended its refusal.

Now, the Panel delays its decision wanting another acoustic report of the noise of the dogs.

This decision of the Planning Panel is perplexing and raises many concerns for local residents.

Is an acoustic report of actual and modelled noise better than the diaries of disturbed neighbours documenting the impact on them of the irritating noise over more than 12 months?

An acoustic report of actual noise can be manipulated by the proponent by reducing dog numbers on site and altering their daily routine to minimise noise during the test.

Few or no dogs during the testing period produces little noise – funny that!

And modelling the noise may not accurately gauge the impact on local residents.

What about the actual irritating noise from 30 or more breeding dogs after the testing period is finished?

It is an unanswered question for the Planning Panel.

Email, Oct 16
Tony and Kay Voller, Palm Grove