Cool Connections in School program resumes

IRISDawn Hooper, Sue Liptrott, Bev Baldwin, Jennifer Leslie and Chad Watson

The Iris Foundation, based in Wyong, has resumed its Cool Connections in School program, designed to boost confidence and self-esteem.

The non-profit organisation works primarily on the Central Coast, helping reduce the risk of suicide by creating and supporting awareness programs, partnerships and campaigns, which enhance community connectedness and well being.

Cool Connections in School is a resilience based program delivered over eight weeks, and supports children in Years 5 and 6.

An Iris Foundation spokesperson said the program helped participants manage their mental health and develop their strengths.

“The objective of each program is to increase resilience, working with children to build their confidence, develop their social skills and to create a sense of connectedness with others at school and in the community,” the spokesperson said.

The program has been operating in Central Coast schools since 2016, but COVID-19 restrictions forced the program to adapt online with sessions held over Zoom calls.

The Foundation believes that early intervention is essential for vulnerable young people as around half of serious mental health problems emerge by age 14.

Media Release, Aug 4
Iris Foundation