Replacement trees need to be identified as such

The trees in Orchard Road, Kangy AngyThe trees in Orchard Road, Kangy Angy. Archive 2018

[Forum] When Mannering Park Progress Association asks Central Coast Council about developments that remove mature trees, we are told that there is a two for one replacement policy.

This sounds very encouraging, but to date, wherever we have seen development from roadworks to housing, we are not able to identify where the new endemic and indigenous species of tree are planted.

This is simply not good enough.

We, the public, need to know exactly where the new vegetation is being planted.

If it cannot be in situ or in neighbouring bushland, then where are the plantings occurring?

This should be stated on the plans and a notice erected on site to explain where the new vegetation will be planted.

The new trees should also be looked after for the first few years of life to make sure they survive our altered climate.

We have just had more mature trees removed along Rutley Rd, outside the toxic ash dump, and we see no evidence of new trees being planted there, although there is ample room and they would screen the ash dam a little bit more.

Email, June 1
Kel Wynn, President
Mannering Park Progress Association