Power station demolition breaks Australian records

The Munmorah Power StationThe Munmorah Power Station

The demolition of the Munmorah Power Station is moving ahead with the massive blast event demolishing the remaining boiler house.

The explosive demolition was originally planned for September but is now likely to take place in February. To ensure the demolition is safe, the public will not be given advanced notice of the date or time, but Liberty Industrial, the specialist company charged with the demolition of the power station, will release drone and digital footage shortly after the event. Two of Munmorah Power Station’s boilers were demolished in May 2017, using controlled explosive demolition techniques. The boilers were the largest demolished in Australia so far.

They also represented the largest explosive demolition undertaken anywhere in Australia to date. Weighing in at 23,000 tonnes and 60 metres in height, they were the heaviest structure to be demolished using explosives in Australia. Following the successful demolition of the chimney stacks in March 2017, the blast was the second of three explosive demolition events to be carried out during the course of the power station’s removal. The demolition of the boilers was achieved utilising an engineered induced collapse technique.

Liberty Industrial’s giant excavator has been put to work processing the debris. The machine boasts the largest demolition shear anywhere in the world. Demolition of the remaining boiler house will be the last explosive demolition event planned. The removal of the power station is expected to be completed by September 2018.

Source: Website, Feb 5 Simon Gill, Liberty Industrial