Gosford High School bring home the Malynley Shield

Gosford HS leaders Dylan James and Jacquie Belcher (centre) with Orange HS students and the Malynley ShieldGosford HS leaders Dylan James and Jacquie Belcher (centre) with Orange HS students and the Malynley Shield

Gosford High School has brought home the Malynley Shield after a fierce battle with Orange High School in April-June.

A contingent of 200 students and staff from Gosford High School travelled to Orange from April 31 to June 1-2 to contest the shield. The Malynley Shield competition is in its 48th year ,and according to Gosford principal, Mr Tony Rudd, it created a “huge buzz” through the school community. “The trip proved to be an amazing experience, for both myself and all others who participated. “Our students were billeted with the families of students from Orange High School and every student I spoke to was glowing in their reports of the experience provided by their hosts.

“What a magnificent learning experience for our students to spend time with families in a community so different from what they experience at home,” Mr Rudd said. “Then there was the competition, 62 games involving a range of sports, as well as debating. “Each played with a fi erce spirit of competition, but also in friendly rivalry. “It was wonderful to see our students compete so hard against their Orange High School opponents, and then after the game, be the best of friends and interact in such a special manner,” he continued. “As a special ending to the event, Gosford High School leaders, Jacquie Belcher and Dylan James, were presented with the Malynley Shield once again, winning the competition 32 games to 30.

Source: Newsletter, Jun 9 Tony Rudd, Gosford High School