Point Frederick Lynn Ave development deferred

The decision on a development application for a $6.2 million residential fl at building in Point Frederick has been deferred by Gosford Council so the site can be inspected.

The proposal includes an up to seven storey, 20 unit residential fl at building with two basement car parking levels on Lynn Ave. The proposal, presented to Gosford Council’s ordinary meeting on April 12, complied with the fl oor space ratio under Gosford LEP 2014 and sought a minor variation to building height for part of the building. Staff’s recommendation to Gosford’s councillors was to approve the application with conditions.

The proposal complied with the Gosford DCP 2013, according to the staff report, apart from variations to side and rear setbacks, street frontage height and car parking vehicle access widths. However, those variations were recommended for support in the staff report. Eight public submissions were received regarding the proposal and the main areas of concern were height, traffi c and parking impacts, tree removal and general amenity impacts.

“The proposal will not detract from the character or scenic qualities of the area or have unreasonable impacts on the environment,” the staff report to Gosford Council said. The site is located on the eastern side of Lynn Ave and has an area of 733 square metres. It currently contains an older dwelling and garage.

Agenda item GOV.27, Apr 12, 2016 Gosford Council ordinary meeting