Pick up and drop off arrangements change at Narara

Narara Public School will follow a new car park procedure in 2016 as a result of community members risking their safety by ignoring previous procedures.

The front gate will be closed from 8:15am with parents encouraged to use the kiss and drop zone at the front of the school. Parents wishing to utilise car park facilities will be encouraged to arrive before 8:15am.

Gates will be reopened at 2:15pm. No parents will be able to use the upper car park unless they have evidence of handicapped identification. Two parking spaces have been identified as being handicapped within the school.

A bollard with the notice Staff and Deliveries only, will remind parents not to go further. All parking spaces identified as Staff are to be used by staff only. Empty spaces can be used by the general public. Parents who apply for a parking permit will need to park in the lower car park only and arrange to meet their children near there.

Parents will need to reapply for a permit every five weeks and they are to be displayed on their dash board. Parents and early intervention students who arrive at school between the hours of 8:15am and 2:15pm will need to open the gates to drive through.

All other traffic will need to open and close the gates as they come and go.

Newsletter, Feb 1, 2016 David Stitt, Narara Public School